Michael Cheng

Innovative, Persistent, Inquisitive
A Full-Stack Web Developer


Full Stack Web Developer

A web developer with a strong focus in full stack development.

Real Estate

Experience working in the real estate industry, as well as structuring a MLS database.


Exposure to internal and external auditing in a business structure


Bay Area Eats

MEAN Stack(MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js)

Golden Gate Corgis Site

Ruby on Rails, Materialize, Postgresql

To Do App

Node.js, Express, React, Redux, Webpack, Foundation, Sass, Karma, Mocha

Weather App

Node.js, Express, React, OpenWeatherAPI


Ruby on Rails, PSQL, Yelp API


Ruby on Sinatra, PSQL

Unorthodox Checkers

HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript

About Me

A budding full-stack web developer, who enjoys challenging himself with new goals and objectives. I love working in a group environment because multiple heads are always better than one.